Thursday, April 16, 2015

The Power of The Lamb

The weight of His Glory exceeds all who dare challenge Him.

He is the ultimate One.

The one who defeated death while restoring order to mankind.

His blood opened up the door to the gates of Heaven.

His selfless sacrifice created life that could withstand anything.

With his garment of truth He reigns supreme.

Even when demons try to bring us down.
The lamb's light shines through their darkness and obliterates Satan's tactics.

He cannot be stopped,

Even as His blood dropped,

He still conquered this life.

The Lamb represents love and is love.

There is no one above His love.

The raw power and fire buring desire for justice exceeds all the world's judgement.

God reigns supreme and has already defeated His target.

Satan is walking on broken ground just waiting to fall within.

There is no power to set him free of his eternal doom.

For God created a special place for satan that is sealed so mightily that no one can leave.

I choose to believe in Jesus as My soul becomes amped up from the seriousness of His love.

Together we His children stand together with Him to proclaim the victory of a battle that has not been fought.

But shall be displayed as a sign of belief to all those that don't believe that Jesus Christ has the power to defeat a demonic and evil army.

In the final day all shall see and believe upon the Lamb.

Jesus Christ.

I speak from my mouth at this time and excuse my self from this story. For I am only a messenger made in the image of a King as though we all are. I am made mighty by the Power of God and a touch from the Lamb of God. Satan knows you that are chosen by God. Take heed and through the Holy Spirit see Satan's deception for what it is. God loves you and will honor you by being obedient to His will. I write what I hear. I write what the Spirit of God inspires me to say. No words will go unsaid when He speaks to me. I am a messenger and it's time I take my rightful place as that which God has sealed inside of me. I don't do this on my own accord. For it is God who calls upon that which only He has the power to control. I am nothing but a vessel for His use. Given an opportunity to work for Him. We all have a purpose sealed inside of us that only God can bring forth into full throttle. It's up to us whether or not we allow Him to do so. We all have choices, I suggest that we take God as one of them. He loves us all lean into His grace and fall in love with The Lamb of God as much as He loves YOU.

Not In Control

Second guessing everything that I've learned,

I had a long hard look at myself,

The long spectrum of no return,

A faulty dream where the truth I've learned finally showed up and brought me from,

Death to life in one whop,

Showed me I'm not the one chosen for this spot.

Battle cries and many lies,

If God be my Father let him not fate decide,

My future,

The very intellect that God created within me,

Provided a mind and gave me a mouth piece,

To this I speak like Job said,

Though he slay me, yet will I trust him.

Trust him to speak for me the words that he chose to birth inside of me,

Lets me know now more than ever,

That I wasn't in control never.

Look into his eyes as he hung on that cross,

And died everytime his breath was lost.


Now it's time for me to put the mic down and just wait.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Choosing Jesus Over Defeat

You stopped time for this moment,

So that I could be free

For me to recognize the greatness you see in me.

I don't want to be called one of the great ones as a spin off from one of the late ones.

Light shines through closed doors as your still small voice rang like a bell tolls

You told me I'd never be alone and so you placed me in this timezone.

A warps non existance or chunk of reality

I'm here, me

But you told me I'd never be alone

And you went off to prepare a home

Set you heart and feet engraved in stone

Washed me clean with a flick of the wrist while pain was being done.

Pain was thinking he'd won and I an adolescent non existant mess.

Didn't even think to know you at my best.
That's beside the point if I dont open up about the rest.

Let you use me least I digress

Pain thought it was over and gave over to the man named death.

From birth wrapped clean in the manger with gleam

Now darkened with death and blood trickling down the seam.

The white linen robe, no blood

Cries on deaf ears they carried you never recollecting that you'd carry them.

Screams and shouts and taunting glares not one but twelve men were gone

Home not so, he hung himself Judas Iscarlot roped a tree and ended his life

So that he might relinquish his guilt that fed into the lie of him being free

Torment was all I could see, no Judas Iscorlot was within me

He denied you three times and even let one slip, I knew they would do this but you held your lips.

Where were you now in a grave that wasnt yours

You only borrowed it for a night to do what was at hand.

That devil sure was happy inspite of his lies, he told each and every one right beside your cries.

Tried to make you sell out

But it didnt work

Snap right back put on your thinking cap,

Roll this stone in front of my tomb, I want him to see what I can do.

Sunday morning front roll seat satan sat there grinning his teeth

"its been three whole days and he still not up yet"

Jaw dropped, heart stopped at the sound of that crack

That stone moved with a thunderous smack,

In awe he was that you'd returned,

He didn't know the Son of Man's love was that strong.

Ran from you and hid his face, you wasnt even there no more he was way out of place.

She came with her and he came with him the angel stopped by to tell them that, "he is not here."

So you see now that its far from over but we've discovered one piece of the master's puzzle,

Jesus, the resurrected savior

Stood in my face and gave me this message

To speak and show to all of you the greatness which God not me placed inside of you.

To my brothers, sisters, relatives and friends realize this moment and let it sink in.

Just answer me this one thing,

When Jesus comes to you will you let Him in?