Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Choosing Jesus Over Defeat

You stopped time for this moment,

So that I could be free

For me to recognize the greatness you see in me.

I don't want to be called one of the great ones as a spin off from one of the late ones.

Light shines through closed doors as your still small voice rang like a bell tolls

You told me I'd never be alone and so you placed me in this timezone.

A warps non existance or chunk of reality

I'm here, me

But you told me I'd never be alone

And you went off to prepare a home

Set you heart and feet engraved in stone

Washed me clean with a flick of the wrist while pain was being done.

Pain was thinking he'd won and I an adolescent non existant mess.

Didn't even think to know you at my best.
That's beside the point if I dont open up about the rest.

Let you use me least I digress

Pain thought it was over and gave over to the man named death.

From birth wrapped clean in the manger with gleam

Now darkened with death and blood trickling down the seam.

The white linen robe, no blood

Cries on deaf ears they carried you never recollecting that you'd carry them.

Screams and shouts and taunting glares not one but twelve men were gone

Home not so, he hung himself Judas Iscarlot roped a tree and ended his life

So that he might relinquish his guilt that fed into the lie of him being free

Torment was all I could see, no Judas Iscorlot was within me

He denied you three times and even let one slip, I knew they would do this but you held your lips.

Where were you now in a grave that wasnt yours

You only borrowed it for a night to do what was at hand.

That devil sure was happy inspite of his lies, he told each and every one right beside your cries.

Tried to make you sell out

But it didnt work

Snap right back put on your thinking cap,

Roll this stone in front of my tomb, I want him to see what I can do.

Sunday morning front roll seat satan sat there grinning his teeth

"its been three whole days and he still not up yet"

Jaw dropped, heart stopped at the sound of that crack

That stone moved with a thunderous smack,

In awe he was that you'd returned,

He didn't know the Son of Man's love was that strong.

Ran from you and hid his face, you wasnt even there no more he was way out of place.

She came with her and he came with him the angel stopped by to tell them that, "he is not here."

So you see now that its far from over but we've discovered one piece of the master's puzzle,

Jesus, the resurrected savior

Stood in my face and gave me this message

To speak and show to all of you the greatness which God not me placed inside of you.

To my brothers, sisters, relatives and friends realize this moment and let it sink in.

Just answer me this one thing,

When Jesus comes to you will you let Him in?

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