Saturday, November 15, 2014

The Secret Place

As I sat in the presence of God, I felt waves of endless love pouring over my beautiful spirit, wave after wave. Although His face was not revealed to me, through His light He seemed to smile and say, "You are my son." I marveled at the endless features I noticed about Him and I was really hurt that I couldn't stay with Him. He looked at me, smiled and said, "I'm sorry son, you can't stay yet, I'm afraid you have to stay on earth a little while lere onger and I'll be there to get you when it is time. I looked at Him and on the verge of tears I said, "Jesus, why all the secret encounters? Why have I had so many encounters with you although I never die or physically leave my body?" He looked at me smiling and said, "When you seek my face you will find me. And you always seek me and through these encounters you are able to secretly find me, because I am in you. And when through the Spirit you look deep within the innermost parts of your heart, His desire is to be with me, and to love me, and to feel my love. That is your spirit's desire. And anytime the flesh seizes an opportunity to disconnect you from your spirit's desire,I notice that you are hurt because apart from you all my children desire me but for different reasons and because of different things. Yours is because of love. You are dedicated to love and your spirit knows this and so does The Holy Spirit. I am always with you and anytime you want me look inside yourself and see me." I looked at Him and tears filled my eyes and a rushing wind washed over me and I knew His words were true. And I was happy to know this. I felt the impact of His love and I knew that He understood my true heart's desire. He knew me and unconditionally loved every part of me. My spirit smiled at the thought of Him and I meeting for eternity. He looked at me and the smile of His face only grew brighter and sharper as we just sat in a moment of pure silence. He spoke a moment later and I knew what was coming. Sighing, He said, "Its time to go back now. You know where to find me when you need me. And you know where your secret place is?" I looked at Him and said, "What Jesus?" He said, "Your writing with music, that's your secret place, That's your intimate time with me. I have made your mind a vast place for exploring and creating, but you have made it into a much better place. It's a place where you and I can be together for as long as possible and I like that." I stood up and ran into His embrace. His love was all I ever wanted and needed to feel. He smiled as He held me in His arms. "I love you son." He said untightening His arms to let me go. He knew I was sad but He knew I'd be alright. An angel was selected to escort me back to earth and I took one last look at Christ before I walked through the shining white door back to earth, where I could cherish any moment with Jesus Forever and Ever.

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